Shed Those Holiday Pounds in Your Pool or Swim Spa

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We are approaching that time of year again—the holidays.  Stores are already stocked with Halloween candy and some even with Christmas decorations! Soon it will be time to savor all those holiday meals followed by the incredible desserts. This will most likely increase our waistlines a little bit more than we would like.

So in order to combat this unfortunate and predictable phenomenon, I think we should get a jump start on our weight loss and fitness routine before the holiday season and the new year’s resolutions start.

What better place to get in shape than in the water.

Here is some motivational information about exercising in the water.

Everyone Can Do It: Exercising in the water has been shown to be a great calorie burner and no matter what age, weight, or fitness level, anyone can perform and benefit from water exercise.

Water Training is Low Impact: Waters buoyancy allows for reduced impact on your joints. This reduced weight bearing is one of the many advantages of exercising in water, it allows people to perform activities that are not always possible on land such as higher intensity exercises like jogging.

Water is Resistive and Safe: I like to refer to the water as “The Great Equalizer” meaning the harder you push against the water, the harder the water pushes you back. So no matter what age or fitness level you are, you control the amount of resistance, which is a very safe and effective way to train.

Water also forces your muscles to work harder, helping you burn fat and tone muscles more quickly than land-based exercise programs.

Burn Calories: Because of the added resistance in the water, you’re actually working harder than you would on land to complete the same exact movements, even if it doesn’t feel like that.

Research studies have shown that exercises performed in water created a higher energy output than on land. Exercising in warm water also increases your body temperature and burns even more calories during your workout.

Vertical aquatic exercise depending on your intensity has been shown to burn up to 400-600 calories in an hour!

Less Soreness: Warm water will help to improve the flexibility of those tight muscles that you have developed over the years.  With less gravity there is less risk of muscle soreness which will increase your exercise tolerance. In the water you are able to exercise everyday without  increased muscle soreness.

It’s Fun: Exercising in the water does not really feel like you are exercising.If an activity is fun people usually tend to stick with it.

It’s Convenient: There are a significant number of people who are very intimidated to join a gym never mind the feeling of putting on a bathing suit in public!  It has been shown that over half of people who join a gym do not attend consistently. Exercising in your pool or swim spa in the privacy of your own home will make things so much easier and your weight loss goals more attainable.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in the water and get a jump on losing those holiday pounds that you know are coming.

If you would like me to set up on a specialized program to help you on your fitness and weight loss journey please visit: or contact me at

Happy Holidays!

Dr. Rick

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Using Your Swim Spa to Improve Muscle Strength

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Did you know that people can lose up to 30% of their muscle strength between the ages of 50 and 70? Research suggests that from the ages of 30 to 80 years,  your back, leg, and arm strength can decrease up to 30 to 40%.

Generally, people lose about 1 percent of their lean muscle mass per year after the age of 40.

Using your swim spa to perform resistance exercises can help improve your overall muscle strength in a very safe and effective way. Here is why:

  • Water training is low impact. The decreased weight bearing that buoyancy provides decreases the impact on your joints. Whether you are just beginning a strength training program or cross training the water is very beneficial.

  • The waters surrounding properties provide three-dimensional resistance inherently, so the muscular and neurological systems receive a more comprehensive training effect than land based training.

  • Water provides an accommodating resistance meaning the harder you push the water, the harder the water pushes you back. So no matter how strong or weak you are, you control the amount of resistance which is a very safe and effective way to train.

  • The water can help to enhance both dynamic flexibility and strength simultaneously. Having resistance in multiple directions builds balanced muscle strength and also helps reduce the risk of injury when working out.

  • The water is a very safe place to begin a strength training program. Training on land requires that you have to constantly fight gravity, which can be very challenging for some people.

  • By incorporating the current or jets of your swim spa you can create a graded amount of resistance for more of a strength challenge.

Using your swim spa to help improve muscle strength can be very effective.Just as with any strength training program it should be well-structured, with correct the exercise intensity and overload controlled.

Because we are not fish or mermaids and reside on the land, eventually a progressive land based strengthening program should be integrated when appropriate.

Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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Using Your Swim Spa as a Cross Trainer Machine


Cross training in your swim spa not only allows you to train harder but smarter.  The unique aquatic environment effects almost every system of your body positively.

Here are a few examples

  • The buoyancy of the water reduces impact and limits the wear and tear on your joints. This helps to decrease the risk of overuse injuries as well as muscle soreness.

  • The waters hydrostatic pressure is very powerful, it helps to eliminate your bodies waste products produced from stressful land based training. At the same time, it causes your heart to function more efficiently and provides increased resistance on your chest to help strengthen breathing muscles for an improved workout. These benefits cannot be easily duplicated with a typical land-based training program.

  • The waters assistive and resistive properties will help to improve your muscle balance and flexibility. This will help to improve performance and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

  • Water provides 3-dimensional resistance so your muscles are trained much differently than on land. I like to call the water “the great equalizer” meaning the harder you push the water, the harder the water pushes you back. This is a very holistic, safe and effective way to train.

  • Using your swim spas current or jets creates increased turbulence, this additional challenge helps to improve your core stability, balance and coordination.

  • The waters resistance also allows for a great cardiovascular workout ,whether swimming or water running the benefits can be greater than land based training.

  • The temperature and pressure of the water as well as the introduction of the swim spa jets allows for improved circulation to help with muscle relaxation, faster recovery rates and diminished delayed onset muscle soreness

Cross training in your swim spa also provides:

  • Variation in your normal training program so you don’t get bored

  • Training your body differently can help you break through a plateau

  • By reducing gravity and momentum in the water it can help assist with your overall movement patterning meaning simply you move better.

Attention must be paid to correct exercise form, technique, intensity, program frequency and duration, but when used correctly your swim spa is an excellent cross training machine!

Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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