Using Your Swim Spa as a Cross Trainer Machine


Cross training in your swim spa not only allows you to train harder but smarter.  The unique aquatic environment effects almost every system of your body positively.

Here are a few examples

  • The buoyancy of the water reduces impact and limits the wear and tear on your joints. This helps to decrease the risk of overuse injuries as well as muscle soreness.

  • The waters hydrostatic pressure is very powerful, it helps to eliminate your bodies waste products produced from stressful land based training. At the same time, it causes your heart to function more efficiently and provides increased resistance on your chest to help strengthen breathing muscles for an improved workout. These benefits cannot be easily duplicated with a typical land-based training program.

  • The waters assistive and resistive properties will help to improve your muscle balance and flexibility. This will help to improve performance and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

  • Water provides 3-dimensional resistance so your muscles are trained much differently than on land. I like to call the water “the great equalizer” meaning the harder you push the water, the harder the water pushes you back. This is a very holistic, safe and effective way to train.

  • Using your swim spas current or jets creates increased turbulence, this additional challenge helps to improve your core stability, balance and coordination.

  • The waters resistance also allows for a great cardiovascular workout ,whether swimming or water running the benefits can be greater than land based training.

  • The temperature and pressure of the water as well as the introduction of the swim spa jets allows for improved circulation to help with muscle relaxation, faster recovery rates and diminished delayed onset muscle soreness

Cross training in your swim spa also provides:

  • Variation in your normal training program so you don’t get bored

  • Training your body differently can help you break through a plateau

  • By reducing gravity and momentum in the water it can help assist with your overall movement patterning meaning simply you move better.

Attention must be paid to correct exercise form, technique, intensity, program frequency and duration, but when used correctly your swim spa is an excellent cross training machine!

Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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