Motion is Lotion; Using Your Swim Spa for Pain Relief


Are you one of the 1.5 billion people in the world who suffer from chronic pain? If so, then maybe your swim spa can help to better manage your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

There are numerous benefits that warm water has on reducing pain. Water is a very supportive medium and can reduce body weight up to 90% when submerged up to your neck. This unloading provides a gentle traction on painful joints and helps reduce any type of swelling or inflammation you may have.

Warm water can help to increase your flexibility. On land, it may be too painful to move. Warm water lessens stiffness, decreases pain and make it easier to move your joints and improve flexibility.

Water is a surrounding medium and provides the body 360-degrees of  support. This support can help improve your body awareness which can assist in improving movement and preventing injury.

The resistance of water can be up to 15x greater than air. This provides a very safe and accommodating resistance which means that the harder you push against the water the more resistance you will get. This resistance can help to build muscle strength and improve overall function.

Stress reduction and relaxation are some of the most important aspects of controlling any type of pain. Your swim spas warm water helps to provide pain and stress relief by providing sensory stimulation throughout the entire body. Using the swim spas jets adds further benefit to promote increased muscle flexibility and relaxation. This can help improve sleep and fight depression which is important for everyone especially those suffering with chronic pain.

Motion is Lotion: I always tell my clients that too much sitting is the worse thing that they can do for their body. But when they have significant pain it can be too difficult for them to move. This causes them to lose flexibility and strength and become even more stiff and painful. This tends to be a viscous cycle. The water is sometimes the only place that they can move and exercise comfortably.

A swim spa is not necessarily the fountain of youth but for those suffering with chronic pain it is pretty close.

Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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Seniors: Improve Your Balance Using Your Swim Spa


Did you know:

  • Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall.

  • Falls are the leading cause of injury-related morbidity and mortality among older adults.

  • The financial toll for older adult falls is expected to increase as the population ages and may reach $67.7 billion by 2020.

  • Hip fractures are far more common than breast cancer in women, and that one out of four hip fracture patients will never return to a normal life?

After age 50, you will lose muscle strength at a rate of 12%-14% per decade if you are not physically active. Flexibility exercises tends to be the most overlooked and neglected activity among seniors.

So seniors, you are getting both tighter and weaker at a much faster rate.

Seniors tend to sit for greater amounts of time causing the muscles of the neck, torso, hips, knees and ankles to become tighter and weaker. This muscle imbalance causes changes in posture exhibited by a forward head, rounded shoulders posture that contributes to the crouched and shuffled walking pattern that puts people at a much greater risk for falling.

Now for the good news:

Exercises to improve walking, balance, flexibility and strength have been shown to reduce fall risk by 14%–37%.

Using your swim spa to perform a fall prevention exercise program is very safe and beneficial.

Here is Why:

  • Water is 500-800x more supportive that air but can be up to 15x more resistant. This allows you to get a safe and effective workout without the harmful effects of gravity.

  • Water is 3-dimensional meaning it is a surrounding medium. That means you get resistance in every direction that you move. This is a much more comprehensive/holistic way to exercise compared to the one-dimensional training environment of land.

  • The waters resistant forces helps to improve your coordination and confidence so normal walking patterns can help be strengthened in a safe and efficient environment.

  • Single leg balance activities can be extremely important to your overall balance and can be very effective when performed in water.

  • Your swim spas resistance jets can be introduced to increase the amount of turbulence to build your balance even greater.

One of the most important benefits that I find when working with people in the water with balance issues is the confidence factor. People tend to challenge themselves greater in the water because their fear of falling is minimized. When integrated with a basic  land based exercise program I have seen tremendous progress in balance, function and overall quality of life.

Swim Spa Exercise is Medicine!

Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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Arthritis Pain Relief in Your Swim Spa


Not Just Your Grandma’s Arthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. There's a 50-50 chance that at some point in your life, you are going to develop osteoarthritis. I would not buy a lottery ticket with those odds!

In OA the strong, flexible substance that cushions your joints called cartilage begins to break down, leading to symptoms such as pain, stiffness, swelling particularly in the joints of the knee, hip, spine, hands and feet. Even though the cause of OA is unknown, age, gender, excess body weight, previous joint injury, occupation and genetics are all contributing factors.

Over the past decade knee replacement surgeries have tripled in the 45-to-64 age group because of OA.

One of the most effective ways to treat OA is to exercise. Your swim spa is one of the most comfortable and effective places a person with arthritis can exercise. Here’s why:

  • Water significantly reduces the impact on your joints making it much easier to move.

  • Water allows improved joint flexibility, which will improve range of motion and general mobility.

  • Water provides up to 12-15 times the resistance of air, allowing you to really strengthen your muscles and bones.

  • Your swim spas warm water and jets will aide in reducing any pain associated with OA.

  • Your spas current or jetted system can assist to improve cardiovascular fitness, calorie burning and weight loss.

  • The water 3 dimensional surrounding properties can help improve your balance, coordination and walking mechanics which then can transfer to land.

Your swim spa obviously provides significant benefits from a low impact standpoint. However, it is also a great place to get a high intensity workout.

A recent study with patients who suffered from OA and participated in a 6 week high intensity aquatic workout reduced joint pain and improved balance, function, and their overall mobility

Your swim spa can help to significantly alleviate and improve the symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis.

It is not necessarily the Fountain of Youth, but it’s pretty close.


Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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A Swim Spa is a significant financial investment but should also be an investment in your health. Here are some of the benefits that the water can provide that will give you a significant return on that investment.

Water Training is Low Impact: The decreased weight bearing that buoyancy provides decreases the impact on your joints. Whether you are suffering from arthritis, recovering from and injury or just beginning an exercise program  the water is a great place to train.

Water Provides Accommodating Resistance: The harder you push  the water, the harder the water pushes you  back. So no matter what fitness level you are ,you control the amount of resistance which is a very safe and effective way to train. By incorporating the current or jets of your swim spa you can create more of a strength challenge.

Improved Flexibility: The waters unique properties of buoyancy, viscosity and drag allows your muscles and joints to move much more freely than on land.  This freedom of movement can help you gain improved flexibility.

Lose Weight: Because of the added resistance in the water, you’re actually working harder than you would on land to complete the same movement, even if it doesn’t feel like that. Water exercise can effectively burn more calories than land exercise when doing the same movements.Vertical aquatic exercise depending on your intensity you can burn up to 400-500 calories in an hour!

Builds Cardio Endurance: Waters unique properties provides increased resistance to movement and challenges you even further when exercising. When you pair this with your spas current or jets with activities such as running or jogging in the water, you get improved cardiovascular endurance.

Improves Balance: Exercising in the water can help to minimize the fear and risk of falling.  Use the water to challenge your balance and coordination in a very safe and supportive environment. Integrate the swim current or jets in your swim spa for more of a challenge.

Cross Training: Water workouts are a great addition to your current training program. In the water it is much easier to balance your muscle groups.  This will help to improved your land based training. It has been shown that  individuals who do multiple forms of exercise may decrease their risk of overuse injuries.

Improve Recovery: If you are recovering from an injury or surgery, water training can allow you to get moving sooner and more comfortably. When combined with land based training results usually occur faster.

Functional: Functional exercise takes into consideration how our bodies move in day to day activities. Because water is a surrounding medium the resistance created while moving in the water works your whole body including your arms, back and core which is very functional.Unlike exercise machines, water provides resistance to movement in any direction which is very beneficial.

It’s Fun: Exercising in the water does not really feel like you are exercising. You can’t feel yourself sweating and mentally you leave the water in a much better mood than when you got in. If an activity is fun people usually tend to stick with it.

By maximizing the use of your swim spa it will provide significant health benefits for years to come.


Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS has specialized in Aquatic Physical Therapy, Fitness and Sports Performance for over 25 years. Rick is the Owner of Swim Spa Exercise, a virtual training company to help people maximize the use of their swim spas. He wants everyone to Move Better and Live Better.

For more information of how to maximize the use of your Swim Spa and how to Move Better and Live Better visit.

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